Homeopathic Weight Loss: Why You Should Try It

Homeopathy was developed in the late 18th century. It was based on the premise that “like cures like”. What this means is that the cure to a particular symptom of illness is the natural substance that would cause that same symptom. For example one may use poison ivy to cure a rash. The remedies are much diluted versions of the toxins, however, and these treatments do not involve the outright poisoning of the patient with a large dose of a toxin.

So, in order to cure weight gain and trigger weight loss, a homeopathic practitioner would examine the underlying cause of your weight loss and then give you a homeopathic treatment to reverse the cause in your body.

homeopathic weight loss

Homeopathic Weight Loss: Why You Should Try It

You can alternatively choose to work without a practitioner by finding out which treatments service which ailment. This is done through research. However, you need to be objective about the reason behind your obesity or excessive weight gain because you must know the cause of your ailment to source the treatment, as that is the basis of homeopathy.  When a person gains excessive amounts of weight, overeating is obviously the main cause of this in the majority of cases. But why does a person choose to overeat in the first place? They obviously don’t want to be obese because it may make them feel bad and it is very uncomfortable. So, how come they cannot control their appetite?

The main causes of weight gain are depression, a slow metabolism, stress, and an enhanced appetite. Sometimes these disorders are caused naturally while other times they are brought on by the actions of the person themselves. For example, a woman who goes through menopause will have an increased appetite because her oestrogen levels decrease. That is why so many women gain a lot of weight during menopause and then they often end up carrying that weight for the rest of their lives. Menopause is a natural condition that happens to all women and it cannot be avoided. But there are ways to fight the effects of it.

On the other hand, if you are an inactive person who does not do any exercise, then you will cause your own metabolism to slow down. Your metabolic rate is the rate at which your body converts food and drink into energy. When you sit still your body still burns calories, using them for breathing, and just generally living. When you have more muscle mass you burn more calories which means you have a faster metabolism. A person with little muscle burns less calories. As a result, you’re more likely to gain weight.

The reason you should use homeopathic remedies is that they are not prescription medications which can have a lot of bad side effects. They are based in natural products that (aside from allergic reactions) shouldn’t bring harm to your body. Prescription medications are often labelled with the many side-effects that accompany them. You just have to read them to discover them. They often include things such as nausea, headaches, mood-swings, sensitivity to light.

There are no promises that you will lose weight while using a homeopathic remedy without having to eat right and exercise, so it is important to keep that in mind it is not a standalone solution. And this does also apply to non-homeopathic weight loss treatments. While taking homeopathic treatments, you will always be encouraged to eat a cleaner diet and exercise regularly. There is no substitute for these two things because they are the basis of all weight loss. Meanwhile, the homeopathic treatments will naturally work to suppress your appetite and speed up your metabolism which is the benefit that they bring to the weight loss process. This will help you achieve the weight loss results that you want a lot faster.

Let’s look at some examples of homeopathic remedies. Calcarea Carbonica is created from oyster shells and it is a homeopathic medicine that treats someone with a slow metabolism. You will know whether you have a slow metabolism if all your excess fat is carried around your waist and abdominal area. Once you lose weight and begin to build up muscle again, your metabolism will begin to naturally improve and you will no longer need this remedy.

Natrum Mur is another homeopathic medicine and it is meant for people who gain weight because of depression and/or stress. You will know if one of these has caused your weight gain because you will carry your excess weight around your buttocks, hips, and thighs. This should be taken alongside along with some kind of mental treatment. We must also repair our mental health as well as our physical health, so those that are depressed and stressed ought to seek out a therapist, a spiritual guide, or whatever you believe will help you best.

Finally, graphite is a homeopathic medicine that helps reduce your appetite when you are constantly hungry. Menopausal women will want to take this particular remedy. It is an appetite suppressant that will help you eat the portions you need rather than the portions you want.

Remember that homeopathic medicine is not a supplement nor is it a diet. This is a temporary treatment that you take while you are on a diet and exercise regimen. If you end up losing weight from this treatment, do not assume you can stop the diet and exercise too. These two things should always be done to some extent throughout the duration of your life. Otherwise, you could end up gaining weight again. Regardless, diet and exercise improves mental and physical health, energy, and it prolongs your life. Those two tactics should be employed irrespective of weight loss.



I am a nutritionist in the United States with over five years of experience. I am also a weight loss consultant who has successfully helped 100 patients get rid of obesity problems. At the same time, I like to write blogs when my free time. Everything About surgery or non-surgical weight loss, slimming exercise, weight loss menus can get the latest knowledge in Weightlossmetho2u.