Liposuction Versus CoolSculpting: Which Is Best For You?

Liposuction versus CoolSculpting for weight loss

CoolSculpting vs. Liposuction: Which surgery best for losing weight?

Liposuctions versus CoolSculpting (aka Cryolipolysis) are two very different aesthetic plastic surgery procedure specially designed to remove excess fat deposits. Therefore, both process producing the same final result. Let me break the difference between Liposuction and CoolSculpting to let you can make the best decision.

Liposuction was developed in the 1980s and been longer than CoolSculping. There are many kinds of liposuction which include:

  • Suction Assisted Lipectomy (SAL) - considered an original technique but still significant;
  • Fluid-Assisted Liposuction (FAL) - works like a water jet;
  • Power Assisted Liposuction (PAL) - uses vibration;
  • Assisted Liposuction (LAL) - uses laser energy;
  • Ultrasound Assisted Liposuction (UAL) - uses sound waves to eliminate fat;

All of these techniques work well for fat reduction, and none of them is significantly better than others.

Introduction of Liposuction vs. Coolsculpting


Liposuction treatments

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - Liposuction

  • Liposuction is a surgical procedure that can perform under local anesthesia, sedation or general anesthesia. It will depend on the area to treat and the amount of fat that needs to remove.  Liposuction can adequately address a variety of body parts and usually used to reduce fat in the abdomen, waist, back, buttocks, buttocks, thighs, knees, upper arms, chin, and neck. The more body part you treat, the more sedation or full general anesthesia you require. The incisions for liposuction are small which generally less than 1/4 inch, so there are not too many scars. However, bruises and swelling are the most common, and there is a recovery period that lasts for several weeks. Patients are typically able to resume light exercise after a few days.


CoolSculpting treatments

Aesthetic Plastic Surgery - CoolSculpting

  • The CoolSculpting considered as a non-invasive procedure that does not require anesthesia at all. The CoolSculpting procedures include a disposable gel pad that placed over the treatment area. The cooling head is then placed on the gel pad and start suction. The CoolSculpting machine has a base that cools the liquid flowing via the headpiece and pulls the fatty area into the head, thus freezing the fat.  CoolSculpting is currently commonly used in the underarm area (e.g., double chin area), thighs, flank, and abdomen. About an hour later, the surgeon removes the cooling head and briefly massages the frozen area. There is some discomfort when the tissue first pulled into the cooling head, but it becomes numb once the cooling starts. Just like liposuction, it may take several weeks to see the final result. Also, there is not much pain compared to liposuction, and the treatment area may feel a bit mild.

What Are Your Treatment Goals?

what's more effective liposuction or coolsculpting

Liposuction able to removes more fat in one session of treatment. On the other hand, the CoolSculpting only eliminates less fat per treatment, so patients may need several session treatments to get the best results.

  • Patients who are considering doing other cosmetic procedures at the same time may be more suitable for liposuction than CoolSculpting since they are already under general anesthesia. A good example is when a patient may want to increase the volume of an area, and they want to do so with their fat. The liposuction procedure can be used to harvest fat and fat transfer to another body area which usually breasts, buttocks and face. Liposuction is the first choice when many parts need to treat because these can be done all at one time, instead of over many different sessions with CoolSculpting. The reduction in overall contour is evident within a few days after surgery.
  • CoolSculpting treatment is an excellent choice for smaller fatty deposits such as in love handles or outer thighs and so on problem areas. It also a good option for patients who are keen to avoid surgery, whether for personal preference or health problems that may increase the risk of surgery. The results of CoolSculpting are not immediately noticeable and may require multiple treatments to achieve optimal results. Three weeks after CoolSculpting, you can feel the changes in the treated areas became apparent because the areas of the body need time to process the frozen fat cells.

Liposuction versus CoolSculpting Cost

Patients always want to know which (liposuction or CoolSculpting) is more cost-effective. If the patient is treating a single small area that may be effectively treated by two sessions, then CoolSculping makes a lot of sense and may be worth it. However, if multiple areas of the body require treatment, or if some of them need three or more CoolSculpting sessions to get full resolution, then liposuction may be the cheaper of the two.

How Long Is The Recovery Period?

CoolSculpting is a non-surgical method that provides patients with rapid recovery and low risk of complications. Patients usually return to normal activities immediately after surgery. Redness, minor bruises, tingling, numbness or discomfort that may occur in the treated areas, but these signs and symptoms are expected to resolve quickly.

Patients usually can return to work within a week after the liposuction and resume most normal activities. There will be swelling, bruising and numbness after liposuction, but it will resolve within weeks to months. Within a few days after liposuction, you will see an overall reduction in your body and an improvement in your body contouring. Patient recovery depends on the amount of fat removed and the number of treatment areas. However, dramatic fat removal may lead to loose skin problem.


Liposuction vs CoolSculpting - board certified plastic surgeon

I think you already know the difference between liposuction or CoolSculping treatment and know that one of them is right for you. If fear of surgery and you will accept less noticeable results, then CoolSculping may be your best choice. On the other hand, if you want dramatic weight loss results and prefers to be in a session rather than a few sessions, then liposuction may be your best bet. Find a board certified plastic surgeon to help you find the aesthetic plastic surgery method that works best for you.


I am a nutritionist in the United States with over five years of experience. I am also a weight loss consultant who has successfully helped 100 patients get rid of obesity problems. At the same time, I like to write blogs when my free time. Everything About surgery or non-surgical weight loss, slimming exercise, weight loss menus can get the latest knowledge in Weightlossmetho2u.