How Long Should You Plank? Learn the Surprising Answer

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How long should you plank?

How long should you plank? This query has been in minds of people who are interested in this type of strengthening and core stability workout. Is prolonged planking beneficial or harmful? Perhaps, you have the same questions in mind. You would be surprised with the answer. Continue reading and learn the answer to this question, however, you should know first what planking is all about.

What is planking?

Planking is the act of lying supine-and still on anything. Sports-minded persons had modified the exercise and used it as part of their workouts. A study conducted by Gottschall, Jinger S et al, proved that the forearm plank variations require activation of more core muscles than the flexion and extension exercises. This indicates that planking strengthens more of your core muscles.

What are the types of planking?

There are several variations of planking performed by sporty individuals.

  • Basic planking

This is done by supporting your body with your toes and forearms or hands. Assume a prone position with both forearms resting on the floor. Your elbows should be aligned with your shoulders and they should form a 90-degree angle with your forearm. Your weight should be resting on your forearm and toes. How long should you plank using this method? That’s the big question.

  • Abdominal planking

This type of planking involves the abdominal muscles primarily. You can do basic or one-sided planking. They are both exercises that reduce your abdomen. You may want to shift from using the forearm to using the palm of your hands to support your body weight. Nonetheless, you will still be using your toes as well. Take note that your head, spine and feet should be straight.

  • Knee planking

You may want to plank on your knees as an alternative. This is recommended for beginners because it’s easier to perform. Support your knees with appropriate material and be on all fours on the floor. Ensure that your elbows are aligned with your shoulders. Maintain this position for at least 30 seconds.

  • Abdominal bridge or Front hold

This planking is similar to the knee planking, except that you will now use your palms to lift your body without the support of your knees and toes. You’re hovering above the floor using only the palm of your hands to support your body. This is difficult to maintain but it provides a deeper strengthening exercise of your core muscles.Examples of these muscles are: the external and internal obliques; the transverse and the rectus abdominus.

  • Reverse planking

Position both of your palms on the floor while seated with your legs straight in front of you. Raise your body and maintain the position. You could also use your elbows to lift your body up.

  • One-sided planking

This is done by supporting your body with one hand, while you’re facing one side.Your body is supported too using one side of your feet. You may use the forearm or the hand (palm) to support your body. How long should you plank? This will depend on your goals in planking. 

So, how long should you plank?

There is no definite answer to the question that could be applicable to all individuals. The length of your planking should be dependent on what your goals are. This will depend too on how much you’re willing to train or exercise.

Many experts stated that 2 minutes ofplanking, for those who are frequently doing it, is enough to strengthen your muscles, while others support the 30-second planking for beginners. According to sports’ doctors, it’s not the length of your planking that truly matters, but it’s the proper position in which you do it.

The proper position is with your back straight and your elbows aligned with your shoulders. Your hands must not be too close to each other too because this can cause instability. You can hold this proper position for 20 to 30 seconds, and that’s good enough. What’s the use of prolonging your planking, if you’re doing it the wrong way? Ascertain that you follow the proper form, and don’t worry about how long should you plank?

Naturally, if you’re training for a tournament or forthe Olympics, you have to continuously prolong your planking. Start with 30 seconds, then 1 minute and then 2 minutes, and gradually increase the length of time as your muscles gain more tone. The longest planking time recognized by the Guinness Book of World Records was 8 hours.This was accomplished by Mao Weidong.

So, How long should you plank? Consider your preferences and perform the position that’s more comfortable for you. Start with 10 to 20 seconds and then proceed gradually.

Benefits of planking

  1. Strengthens your gluteus, biceps, and other muscles on your arms and feet
  2. Firms up and reduces your abdominal area just like body workout machines do
  3. Promotes proper blood circulation
  4. Boosts your stamina and strength
  5. Better than crunches in working out the muscles of the abdomen
  6. Works on the core muscles – including your 6-pack muscles – and not just the superficial ones
  7. Improves your mobility and flexibility
  8. Reduces muscle injuries and pain
  9. Promotes good posture

Tips when doing planking

  • Make sure you don’t have hypertension because it can be aggravated.
  • Ensure that your back, buttocks, head and feet are in a straight line.
  • If you feel severe pain, stop immediately and consult your physician. You would feel pain, but not severe.
  • Don’t attempt any planking positions without ascertaining that you’re not sick of any life-threatening illnesses.
  • Try several variations of planking and observe what helps you best. You may want to do all the positions every time you exercise.

We have answered the question: “How long should you plank?” You may want to apply the facts that you have learned from this post. Planking is superb for your health, but don’t overdo it. Too much of anything is not good. You can include planking as part of your regular exercises. Whether you spend more time or not would depend solely on you. In order to achieve whatever goals you have set for yourself, determine how much time you need to perform your planking exercises. Once you do, you can now implement it.

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I am a nutritionist in the United States with over five years of experience. I am also a weight loss consultant who has successfully helped 100 patients get rid of obesity problems. At the same time, I like to write blogs when my free time. Everything About surgery or non-surgical weight loss, slimming exercise, weight loss menus can get the latest knowledge in Weightlossmetho2u.