Elliptical Workouts for Weight Loss Result: Before and After

Elliptical Workouts for Weight Loss Results Before and After Topic

I would definitely answer YES, if you are searching how to lose weight on the elliptical machine. The elliptical is one of the best fitness equipment to help you get the perfect figure. It's a great form of exercise due to elliptical provide weight-bearing movement with low-impact on the joints than running or jogging. Today the following topic will specifically talk about using an elliptical workouts for weight loss.”


Things to know before starting an elliptical weight loss workout

There have several things to know before you start using an elliptical weight loss workout which included:

  • Creating a Weight Loss Plan

It is best to develop a weight loss plan before you starting to use the elliptical workouts for weight loss. What I recommend is you should strive to reduce your weight by ½ to 1 pound per week due to this considered a safe rate of weight loss and can decrease the potential side effects included malnutrition, imbalances of electrolytes, dehydration, loss of muscle, loss of hair, fatigue, headaches, irritability and dizziness etc.. If you are significantly overweight, it may be safe to lose up to 2 pounds per week.

  • Understanding Calories

Understanding calories and their effect on weight is key to losing weight, i.e. you need to create a calorie deficit of 3500 calories each week if you want to lose 1 pound per week. Therefore, you can cutting 1750 calories from your meal while burning an additional 1750 through the workout.

Working out on an elliptical trainer can help burn a lot of calories. Based on our research for someone weighing 125 pounds, exercise on an elliptical for just 90 mins burns 270 calories. For someone weighing 155 pounds, this same workout will burn 335 pounds. For someone weighing 185 pounds, it burns 400 calories.  For someone weighing 200 pounds will burn 432 calories in 30 mins. In addition to burning calories through exercise, diet is also an essential part. Which mean control your diet to reduce calorie intake while increasing your intake of healthy foods.

  • Workout Intensity

To effectively burn calories during working out on an elliptical machine, you have a need to achieve your target rate while workout. Subtract your age from 220 to estimate your max heart rate and target of 60% to 70% of this rate when you work out. For example, if you're 55, you can find 60 percent of your maximum heart rate with the formula 220 - 55 x .6 = 82 beats per minute. Interval training can help you burn more calories. It is involves working out at a higher intensity for short bursts before returning to a lower intensity and then repeating this cycle.

  • Increase Workout Time

Your goal should be to gradually increase the amount and frequency of exercise to meet the best weight loss results. Starting with just three time 10 minute session per day may be a good starting point if you are new to working out. Of course, you can work up to sessions that last 30 - 60 mins long to max weight loss. You may start out workout just a couple times per weeks, but you should increase the number of sessions per week to at least 5 to 6 in order to enjoy the best results, and reach the greatest amount of weight loss.

10 benefits of using an elliptical workouts for weight loss

The elliptical trainer is one of the most popular cardio equipment in the fitness center, while it’s a top selection of home exercise equipment too. Check out following these 10 benefits of using an elliptical workouts for weight loss.

  1. Enhance physical strength and cardio capacity

Cardio known as aerobic exercise which is a key part of a balanced exercise routine. Your heart and lungs need to work harder to give your muscles with more blood and oxygen when you do aerobic exercise.

The elliptical trainer provides you to get a good aerobic workout, which can strengthen your heart, muscles and lungs. Meanwhile can help build your stamina and endurance.

In addition, you can perform both high intensity interval training as well as steady state cardio workouts with an elliptical.

  1. Burn a lot of calories

The elliptical is a gym machine to reduce calorie consumption in a short time. We know that burning more calories than you intake can help you losing weight. So increasing the intensity of elliptical workouts can enhance your calorie burn. For example, if the person weighing range of 125 - 185 pounds, they can burn about 270 to 400 calories within 30 minutes on the elliptical machine.

  1. Reduce joints pressure

People who have achy joints and overuse injuries rejoiced because the elliptical machine able to train their cardiovascular system while can relieve the pressure on their joints. Our knees, ankles, hips, and other joints can take a beating when performing aerobic exercises or running. However, the machine provides low impact of cardio workout as your feet never lift off the pedals with an elliptical.

There have many researchers said that elliptical workout can significantly reduce weight bearing compared to running, jogging and similar exercises. In other words, you can train without the wear and tear that comes with high-intensity exercise by using an elliptical.

  1. Perform full body workout

Elliptical machines with handles are one of the few aerobic machines that can provide you with upper and lower body movements at the same time. The key to maximizing your upper body advantage is to distribute your weight and resistance equally. In other words, pump your arms just as fast as moving your legs. Therefore, the elliptical can aim your glutes, chest, back, biceps, hamstrings quads, and core muscles if you perform the elliptical workout properly.

  1. Burn body fat

The elliptical trainer can help you lose body fat and tone up your muscle in a shorter amount of time due to its high calorie burns ability. While to max fat burning, you may consider to concern on the intensity of your workouts. 

  1. Aim specific leg muscles

Almost elliptical allowing you to change both the resistance and incline of the foot pedals, which able to target different muscles in your lower body including your glutes, quads, hamstrings, and calves etc.

By increasing the inclination, you can feel the back side of lower body burning. While, if you adjust the foot pedals lower, you may feel your quads working harder. In addition, you can step on the pedals backwards, so can focus more on your hamstrings and glutes.

  1. Improve balance

You can target your midsection muscles and work on balance if you stand up straight and let go of the elliptical handles. Just make sure the incline and resistance are set at a manageable level so you can use the elliptical safely without holding the handles.

  1. Keep fitness after injury

As we all know that elliptical trainer is a low-impact exercise. If compared with high-impact sports such as running, jogging or jumping, then elliptical workout has much less stress on joints. Working out on an elliptical can be a great way to maintain your fitness and regain full range of motion if you are nursing an injury and unable to join in regular physical exercise. At the same time, it can help patients strengthen muscles and joints and reduce stress on the injured area.

  1. Variety of preset exercise

Elliptical normally will offer differing type of pre-programed exercise routines, i.e. mimic hill climbing, internal training, and other customizable.

  1. Easy to Use

One of the pros of the elliptical trainer is its ease of use. You may need to seek guidance from a personal trainer if you haven't used it before. They can give you tips on how to use it properly, and the type of exercise that may be best for your fitness goals.

Three Simple Workout for Elliptical Weight Loss

There are many different types of exercises you can do on your elliptical machine to help you achieve your weight loss goals. However, I now only listed the 3 simplest elliptical workouts for weight loss.

  • Forwards and backwards - This involves alternating between forward-moving and backward-moving ones.
  • Incline challenge - This involves increasing the incline on the elliptical to add more resistance to the movements. Furthermore, this can be combined with forward and / or backward motion.
  • High-intensity interval training - This exercise incorporates short increments of intense training with longer periods of lower resistance and slower pace.

Tips during perform elliptical workout:

The number of calories you burn in any given elliptical workout depends on ramp height, speed stride, and resistance level. Normally, you can burn about 270 to 400 calories in 30 minutes. Because while your feet never leave the foot pedals, the elliptical trainer gives a less impact workout which is friendly to your joints and back, this is completely different from a treadmill.

Is elliptical good for weight loss?

The elliptical machines provide a number of advantages, although you can burn calories and lose weight with any cardiovascular exercise machine, such as the treadmill or stationary bike. The elliptical machines can stress your joints less than treadmills, and its moving handles let you work your arms that unlike either treadmills or bikes. But elliptical like other machines which is good posture and sufficient exercise intensity are important to burn fat and minimize the risk of injury.

Elliptical weight loss results before and after

Elliptical Workouts for Weight Loss Results

There are many successful cases showing people used elliptical weight loss, because they follow a calorie calculation formula. The following are they elliptical weight loss before and after result.

Elliptical weight loss before and after workout

Elliptical weight loss results 2 month body transformation

Elliptical weight loss before and after results

Elliptical weight loss results 3 month body transformation

One Month Elliptical Weight Loss Transformation Result

There are many best elliptical machines for sale on the market that can help you lose weight in a month.

How long should you run on the elliptical to lose weight?

The basic tips to lose weight is to burn calories more than your calorie consumption. Therefore, you need to calculate your daily calorie intake and how much exercise you need to reach your weight loss goals. There is a simple formula that you can use to calculate the number of calories burned after exercising on the elliptical machine for 30 minutes. However, you must weigh yourself first. Then take your weight and multiply it by 2.16. Then the counted number is the approximate number of calories that you will burn during exercising. Remember that everyone's exercise intensity is different, so it's just used as estimates and we unable to determine the exact number of calories that will be burned when doing this type of exercise. For an example of a moderately active 26-year-old woman has an average daily calorie intake of 2,600 calories to maintain weight.  If you exercise on the elliptical machine every day, you will feel that your weight continues to drop.


Using an elliptical machine in your workout plan can strengthen user's heart, lungs, and muscles while increasing endurance, improving balance, and burning much calories. This is a good choice if you are experiencing joint problems or stay healthy after an injury. Using an elliptical for losing weight is easy, but if you have done incorrectly, then you are eliminating the benefits of low impact and maybe damage the joints. Exercise won't cause pain and injury in specific areas during performing them, and it indicates that you didn't perform the operation correctly or you were injured. Please pay attention and hope that this topic about elliptical workouts for weight loss can really solve your problem.


I am a nutritionist in the United States with over five years of experience. I am also a weight loss consultant who has successfully helped 100 patients get rid of obesity problems. At the same time, I like to write blogs when my free time. Everything About surgery or non-surgical weight loss, slimming exercise, weight loss menus can get the latest knowledge in Weightlossmetho2u.