Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • What Waist Trainer Khloe and Kim Kardashian Use?

    What comes to your mind when you hear the name of Kim Kardashian or Khloe Kardashian? I’m guessing most of the people will first think about the teeny tiny waist, right? Many females had their interest piqued when Khloe K and Kim K revealed they applied a reduce waistline garments called Kim Kardashian waist trainer…

  • 5 Ways Dogs Can Help You Lose Weight with Less Effort

    Losing weight becomes a greater challenge each passing day. We ignore the remarks of people and calls of our mind to maintain it before it’s too late. But, at the end of the day, we all desire to gain that confidence and thrill back that we enjoyed during our slim days. Healthy habits, a healthy…

  • 5 Delicious Healthy Weight Loss Recipes for a Healthier Lifestyle

    Get your recipe book or a nutrition journal and note down these recipes because these are the few recipes that will not only curb your cravings for some of your favorite food items but will also help you lose weight. Obesity is sometimes genetic and still, people strive to get fit and get rid of…


    Ever wonder why you sweat so much when you dance? And why you have almost nobody ache when you wake up the next day, though you broke the dance floor? Well, the answer is simple; though it is something that you always hear – it makes you healthy. How? Well, read on to know more.…

  • So You Achieved Your Weight Goals, What’s Next?

    After months – even years – of determined exercising and watching your diet, you finally did it! You’ve reached your desired weight goal. You have every reason to celebrate and feel good about yourself. You can now wear a bikini and feel confident in figure-hugging clothes. There’s a new spring in your step as you…

  • 10 Healthy Snacks You Can Enjoy On Your Cheat Day

    “Cheat day? No, this is like a sin for me as I can’t afford to put on that extra pound.” If this is the first thought, you get when you heard of going out of the way of your diet plan, here is something for you. Fighting the never-ending “whether to eat or not to…

  • Childhood Obesity – A Prolonged Epidemic

    Obesity is a major public health crisis among children and adults. As per a research published in The Journal of Physiology indicates that an obese pregnant mother when exposed to high fat, high sugar diet during pregnancy produces a fatty liver in the fetus, potentially predisposing children to obesity. Throughout the world, approximately over 50%…

  • Homeopathic Weight Loss: Why You Should Try It

    Homeopathy was developed in the late 18th century. It was based on the premise that “like cures like”. What this means is that the cure to a particular symptom of illness is the natural substance that would cause that same symptom. For example one may use poison ivy to cure a rash. The remedies are…


    The word Calisthenics comes from the Greek words kálos and sthénos, which literally translates as beauty and strength. Beauty– To emphasize the aesthetic pleasure that causes the perfection of the human body. Strength– Great mental strength, courage, physical strength and determination. Calisthenics is an art using one’s body weight to perform a variety of exercises,…

  • How Long Should You Plank? Learn the Surprising Answer

    How long should you plank? This query has been in minds of people who are interested in this type of strengthening and core stability workout. Is prolonged planking beneficial or harmful? Perhaps, you have the same questions in mind. You would be surprised with the answer. Continue reading and learn the answer to this question,…

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