In this article, we will be discussing strategies to lose weight and keep it away. We won’t be talking about specific diet plans or workout routines. Instead, we will tell you the simplest ways to incorporate different changes in your life and live your life as a healthy individual. We will not be discussing diet plans because, even though many of them work very well short-term, your body resorts to its usual mechanisms as soon as the diet is over. To lose weight and ensure that you don’t gain it all back, it is essential that you incorporate changes in your lifestyle and then keep those changes for a long time. If you are on a diet, you certainly will not be able to eat those specific foods for the rest of your life. So it’s always better to deploy a strategic approach.
The Right Kind of Exercise
We cannot stress enough on how important it is to exercise to get in shape. But many of us make a crucial mistake when we try to build on our exercise routines.
Most of us turn towards cardio exercises when we are trying to lose weight because they give instant results. You start noticing that your body has toned in a span of a few days and you continue to grind on the treadmill for a long time. The problem with this approach alone is that your body begins to believe that it is in a condition of starvation and struggle. So even when you stop working out for a little while, your body loses all motivation to continue and you gain back all the weight you have lost.
Now, if you want to stay slim and trim, you can either continue grinding on the treadmill of many years or deploy a smarter strategy.
Do resistance training along with cardio. Resistance training will help build muscle mass in your body, and it will also increase your metabolism. When your metabolism increases as the day begin, you burn calories even when you are not exerting yourself. So you will lose extra pounds, gain some useful muscle mass, and improve your metabolism which will all help in keeping the weight off you for a long time.
Don’t Stop Staying Active
Another thing you must take great care of is staying active even after you have reached your goal weight. We must all exercise every day and keep in shape. If you let go of exercise altogether, you will revert to your old shape eventually.
So even if you choose to go for fifteen minutes jog every day, remember that it will be enough to maintain yourself.
Calorie Control
All of us have a set number of calories that we need to consume per day. To lose weight, the simple equation is that you need to burn more calories than you gain. So start keeping a calorie journal with you. In this journal, write down the number of calories in every food you eat during the day, even the few bites of an apple you took. Also, note down the number of calories you burn while exercising.
Not only will this strategy help you to calculate how hard you need to work, but you will also be keeping a watch on everything you eat during the day as well.
When you reach your goal weight, simple set a specific number of calories that you can eat during the day for yourself and try your best not to exceed that value.
Be Mindful of the Carbs
Carbs are your worst enemy if you are trying to lose weight. Sadly, they are also an essential food group so you cannot let go of them entirely.
The problem with carbs is that they are usually so light that you can eat a lot without realizing it, even if they are high-calorie foods like pasta.
When you eat carbs, your body automatically begins to use them as a source of energy instead of the fat that has been stored in your body for so long. And if you eat excess carbs, they get stored in your body as more fat.
Lifestyle Changes
It is essential that you incorporate some useful lifestyle changes in your routine so that you can maintain yourself.
For example, start using whole foods like bran bread, brown rice, and bran muffins. Also, include a decent amount of fiber content in your meals. Fiber has no nutritional value so they don’t add to your calorie count but they do suppress your appetite and keep you full. You can find that many fruits and vegetables are rich in fiber.
Keep Weighing Yourself
Make sure you have weighing scales at home so that you can weigh yourself on a weekly basis. Keeping checking it out even after you reach your goal weight to make sure that you are maintaining it well enough as well. Seeing that you are losing weight might be all the motivation you need to embark on a journey of weight loss.
Never Skip Breakfast
This point is one that most people don’t give much heed to, but it is essential to keep in mind. If you skip breakfast, you will be unable to stay active all day because your body will believe that it is in starving conditions and therefore needs to conserve energy. So always have a hearty breakfast in the morning before you start your day.
Author Bio:
Katherine Elvis, a mother of a one-year-old kid named, Jim. She is a clinical psychologist, and her passion is to learn the medical studies and social sciences, that’s why she has a lot of interest in writing and blogging on medical, general, and social areas of the human personalities. She regularly writes blogs at https:/cannabisy.ca/.