Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Overcoming Childhood Obesity

    Every parent or guardian can make determined effort to help their children attain and maintain a healthy weight. A child’s well being involves staying active and consumption of healthy foods and beverages. It is the responsibility of every parent to take an active role in helping their children and family as well. IS YOUR CHILD…

  • Proven Steps To Fast And Lasting Weight Loss

    It is the strong desire of every overweight person to lose weight. Such persons always search for means to reduce their body fat. While there many effective weight loss methods, some are just hoax. Many people are now confused along the line because some weight loss methods do not work. This is the reason they…

  • Weight Loss: Emotional Eating And Control Tips

    Many times, you experience the strongest food cravings at your emotional weakest point. Many people return to food as a means of comfort. They do this consciously or unconsciously especially when they are being faced with a difficult situation, stress or boredom. Weight loss efforts can be sabotaged by emotional eating, which leads to eating…

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