10 Superfoods To Energize Your Brain

Top 10 Superfoods To Energize Your Brain

Foods, full of vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants, offering maximum nutritional benefits with minimum calories are called SUPERFOODS. Superfoods are considered as wonder foods by many. However, their effect varies according to human beings. Nowadays, many super-foods are in the limelight for their ability to boost brain energy and hence, increase productivity. The TOP 10 Superfoods for your brain not only enhance your brain capacity but also improve your overall diet.

How do Superfoods work?

Superfoods are a storehouse of minerals, vitamins and most importantly, antioxidants. They are useful in fighting many ailments and enhance the lifespan of human beings. Some special antioxidants ward off cancer while some healthy fats are useful in preventing cardiovascular diseases. The antioxidants present in the superfoods are responsible for enhancing or reducing the effect of free radicals on the human body. The behavior of free radicals is directly connected to diseases like an immune deficiency, strokes, arthritis, Parkinson’s disease, etc. Fiber present in superfoods is useful for diabetic patients and people with digestive problems. Apart from the above benefits, know about these natural energy-boosting foods that will keep you energized the whole day.

Top 10 Superfoods for your BRAIN

There are many plants based super foods that are credited with the ability to boost brain energy and make you smarter and enhance your productivity as well as your ability to multi-task. Read on to know more!                                              

Almonds superfoods energize your brain

  • Almonds

A handful of almonds is going to help you and your brain in many ways. They play an essential role in developing your brain and help you achieve high intellect. The high levels of Vitamin E and the abundance of antioxidants decrease the tendency to lose memory with aging. Vitamin E helps to reduce the free radical damage and help prevent neurodegenerative diseases. It is an inexpensive way of boosting your brain health.

Broccoli superfoods help your brains

  • Broccoli

A combination of antioxidants and useful plant compounds, broccoli is rich in Vitamin K, which forms sphingolipids, a type of fat that is principally found in brain cells. Its anti-inflammatory properties also protect the brain from external damage.

  • Coffee

A large number of antioxidants and caffeine present in coffee makes it an essential superfood for the brain. Long term consumption of coffee reduces the risk of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and other neurological diseases. Caffeine helps in improving concentration, increasing alertness by blocking adenosine, which is responsible for making you sleepy. Caffeine also improves mood due to the release of serotonin and other ‘happy’ neurotransmitters.

  • Dark chocolate

A pure guilty pleasure for many, dark chocolate is a favorite superfood due to the presence of large amounts of antioxidants, flavonoids, and caffeine. The flavonoids present help in enhancing memory and reduce the age-dependent loss of memory. Dark chocolate stimulates endorphins and increases positive feelings.             

green leafy vegetables superfoods best for your brain

  • Green Leafy Vegetables

Powerhouses of Vitamins E and B, green leafy vegetables such as spinach and kale are great superfoods. The Vitamin E present in the keeps the brain sharp and the Vitamin enhance the production of serotonin, norepinephrine, and dopamine which helps the human brain to stay focused and balanced. If you are new to this super food and are looking for a yummy recipe to consume spinach, follow the given recipe.

You need organic grass-fed butter, a few cloves of garlic and olive oil. Stir in the blanched spinach or raw spinach and sauté for about 10 minutes. Have it as a side or as the main dish. This is an absolute winner.

pumpkin seeds excellent superfoods for brain

  • Pumpkin Seeds

One of the best superfoods, pumpkin seeds are excellent sources of antioxidants that fight free radical damage. Minerals like iron, copper, magnesium, and zinc are also found in these wonder seeds. Zinc is useful in improving nerve signaling and helps in the prevention of neurological diseases. Magnesium is crucial for learning and overall memory. Migraines, epilepsies, and depression can be battled easily if magnesium is present in the body. Impaired brain function and brain fog can be prevented by iron while copper helps to control nerve signals. Have them as snacks or add them to your regular bowl of cereal for a powerful boost.    

turmeric superfoods help growth of new brain cells

  • Turmeric

Turmeric is one of the most commonly used spices in India. Curcumin is the principal constituent of turmeric and can enter the blood-brain barrier very quickly and affect the brain cells directly. Curcumin helps to enhance memory capability and ward off diseases like Alzheimer’s. Serotonin and Dopamine production is also enhanced by curcumin, and this alleviates mood and can battle symptoms of depression. The growth of new brain cells has also been observed in some patients. Consumption of turmeric tea or addition of turmeric in any dish is advised.

  • Blueberries

The ultimate superfood with most of its advantageous effects on the brain. It contains anthocyanins that have antioxidants and many anti-inflammatory properties. They reduce oxidative stress and can improve communication between brain cells. They also delay short-term. Memory loss and increase memory potential. Have them like a sack, have them with your bowl of cereal or add them to a healthy smoothie.

  • Oranges

Famous for its repository of Vitamin C, the humble orange is a superfood essential to your brain health. Vitamin C can slow down the brain decline process and prevent neurodegenerative diseases like Alzheimer’s in some cases. Free radical growth is prevented, and hence, the corresponding decay also doesn’t take place. With age, vitamin C promotes brain health and supports brain growth.

  • Olive oil

This fat-free condiment is a boon for both the body as well as the brain. Usually incorporated in the diet in the form of salad dressings and garnishes, olive oil is full of hydroxytyrosol. This compound prevents the degeneration of neurons and protects the brain from harmful oxidative stress and cell membrane decay due to free radicals. Degenerative diseases like dementia and Alzheimer’s can also be prevented by continuous use of olive oil.

Precautions/Do’s and Don’ts

There are some risks involved with the continuous use of superfoods to boost brain health:

  • Consumption of superfoods in supplement form is extremely unhealthy and is very different from the process of direct absorption from whole foods.
  • A doctor or medical instructor must be concerned if you notice abnormality after consumption of any superfood.
  • Do not fall victim to the presently trending marketing technologies. Consume super foods only if prescribed by a medical practitioner.
  • Some super foods undergo heavy processing and might lose their nutrients. Be aware of these and buy only the raw and unadulterated form.
  • Eat healthily and don’t consume an excess of superfoods.


Superfoods are a great way of starting healthy eating. Most of them are plant-based and help to boost your energy as well as metabolism. Brain energy is vital for the achievement of success in both daily life and successfully achieving some life goals. Do invest in good quality superfoods to boost your brain energy and increase your overall productivity. We suggest going to the local market and buying organic ingredients so that assimilation of nutrients takes place quickly after consumption.



